Diabetic Sugar Free

During World War Two most families did without sugar and a lot of other stuff but sugar hit hard especially during the holiday seasons. Cooks learned how to cook without a lot of things.
Now we can go back and use some of those old recipes. I used to have a book of them and Ill try to find it or something similar, but I hope these will help for now.

Look for recipes that are low in carbs. Not just sugar, but starches which turn into sugar. Starches are found in things that contain flour, but also in fruits and vegetables such as potato, carrots, peas, beans. In fruits some have more sugar content than others.

There are a lot of recipes that can be altered to contain less sugar or a substitute. Some you can alter in other ways. Some you can't do that with, but it never hurts to experiment.



Sugarless Apple Pie

Diabetic Peanut Butter Balls

Diabetic Fruit Bars

Diabetic Fruit Cookies

Oatmeal Fruit Cookies

Sugarless Cookies (For Diabetics) Recipe

Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Diabetic Cranberry Relish

Lean Pie Crust

Diabetic Sweet Potatoes a L'Orange

Sugarless Cake

Sugarless Cookies Recipe 2



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