Diabetic Sweet Potatoes a LOrange
A fantastic way to include sweet potatoes in a healthy diet
Exchanges: 1 bread, 1 fruit, 1 fat; calories: 185; carbohydrates: 23 gm; protein: 3 gm; fat: 7 gm; sodium: 79 mg
Yield: 4 servings (1 cup serving)
2 lb. sweet potatoes, cubed
3 TBS frozen orange juice concentrate
2 tbsp. low fat margarine, melted
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
16 dried apricot halves
Fresh orange slices

1. Boil sweet potatoes in salted water until tender, and arrange in shallow baking dish
2. Combine the margarine and cinnamon and frozen juice concentrate
3. Pour over the potatoes
4. Arrange the apricot halves on top
5. Cover the dish and bake at 425 degrees for about 15 minutes
6. Add orange slices and serve


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