Lean Pie Crust
A great way to use up the fresh berry bounty of summer!
Yield: Makes one pie crust
1/2 c. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 c. diet margarine

1. Mix flour, salt and baking powder
2. Add margarine
3. Cut with pastry blender until mix does not stick to bowl
4. Shape in ball
5. Chill for 1 hour
6. Roll on floured board
7. Bake at 425 degrees for 12 minutes
8. Makes 1 crust
9. For a professional touch, make sure all ingredients are cold, including mixing bowl
10. May need to add one or two tablespoons of ice cold water to get dough to set up
*Store bought pies for the most part have a heavy thick crust which to me is inedible. Its mostly flour and lard. If I'm served a slice, I usually eat some of the filling, but none of the crust.


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