I was leaning my butt against the side of the seat. That's my right leg. There is no room to get in there and no way to lift my lef up and over that bar. With my arthritis, I can only lift my leg about a foot. Its an effort to even get it in the car. If I could have reached the seat, I still would not have had enough room to manuever.

I tried hopping on from a foot stool, a small ladder and even a little stool you stepped on. Nothing worked.

All they give you to adjust it. I tried to get him to take it back apart and put it in the box. I would ship it back.

Nope. He told me to give it away, to get it out of the house.

I gave it to Cathy. She has sons and a bunch of athletic grandsons.

It was gone that night.

It was back to the drawing board.

