These are Sue. This one is on the back porch. I didn't realize at first that the post you see was part of the porch. I was racking my brain trying to figure out where these were taken.

She was a beautiful little girl but like me she never felt beautiful.

Its odd how what others may think of us when we are young affects us all through life.

None of us look as good now as we did when we were kids but we are still the same beautiful people on the inside.

Sue always was my favorite sister and always will be. I think she's the best friend I never thought I had and only realize now I had a best friend the whole time.

Dad said once that we didn't need other kids to play with because we had each other to play with. Of course it seems that Anna and Millie had friends. At least I thought so. Nancy had friends when she was in school. I don't remember Enid having any. If she did, she never let us know. Later when she was working as a hairstylist, I think she had girls who were her friends. During our time in schools only Anna and Millie were allowed to go out and usually only to school dances.


