Farther along the Farley Road as you head towards the village, or hamlet as Dad called it, of Kingsbury there was a huge very old and very run down house that a very large family lived in at the time.

There last name was Williams and I don't know how many there were or what all their names were. One was a girl named Violet. I think the girls were all named for Flowers. Sue thinks one was called Inez though and another called Iris. In my mind I see most of them, parents and children alike being blond and pale, not quite albino but close. I think they had blue eyes. There were over ten children, I think.

I don't remember going there to visit much but we did on a few occasions. The man was I thought ancient but maybe I would think that because when you are young everyone old seems really old. I think, but I'm not sure he was close to 80 and yet he still got his woman pregnant and she had a baby. At that age I was then I would never have wondered if he was the biological father but it was assumed by the adults that he was and they all seemed to think it was wonderful.


