One fall or summer day I took the girls, I think Enid and Sue to Glens Falls to shop. We were Glen Street right about here:

heading in towards the circle. I don't think it was any more than two lanes there. I was well into my own lane and paying attention when a car came head on at me. I was terrified and so were the girls who were gasping. I don't know how I did it but I went up on to the curb and the sidewalk and still the bastard scraped along the driver side door. After hitting us he swerved over into his own lane but climbed the curb on that side taking out a postal box.

Cops arrived on the scene in minutes. I'm surprised I didn't get a ticket but I didn't. We seemed to be all right but terrified. Later they told me they couldn't find the other guy. One fool asked me if I was sure about it. I could barely get more door open because of the dents in it. Damn right I was sure. Nothing ever came of this at all. My insurance would do nothing because we had "no fault" insurance at that time. They said they couldn't sue someone without a name and plate number. Gee, I didn't think to ask that guy when he was almost killing us what his name was. I had to pay to get a new door myself.

We were very lucky because we could have all been killed.


