Uncle Guy and Aunt Leola

We would see them all through our early lives but less when we got older. I think they may have visited us once after we moved to Argyle but I don't really remember.

I know they visited us while we lived in Kingsbury more than once.

Uncle Guy was of course Mom's half brother with both having the same father. We all liked them even thought Uncle Guy was a heckler and I was his main object of heckling. I think this is because I most resembled our mother. I don't know much about Uncle Robert his brother but I do know that Uncle Guy loved his little sister, our Mom. Aunt Leola was very nice to us too.

I was thinking they had were three boys, but the names escape me except the oldest was Guy Junior and there was one called Gordy if my memory is correct.

I recall a tale at Sue's nudging's of Gordy reaching out to toss a candy wrapper out the window in the car on the way to visit us. Yes, he was a litterbug. He had a dollar bill in the same hand and threw both out the window.

Enid and Uncle Guy sharing the same birthday made him visit us usually on that day. I think I have told some of these stories before so I won't retell them here but I will when and if I find it put the only photo I have of them here.



