Anna posing in cap and gown.


I'm not sure if this was a damaged negative or if who ever printed them played with it and liked the result. Mom did not take the photo this way. At least I never saw it this way.


She was a beauty but as with a lot of beautiful people they can be real brats.

Anna's cat Timothy, This is a wooden box that was nailed to the wall up high where the cats "couldn't" reach it. Mom would use it to store catnip while it dried. Timothy didn't care if he wasn't supposed to be up there.

 Anna's husband Ronald O'Connor

He said the Civil War wasn't over and we were damn Yankee's. Apparently he didn't include Anna in that statement but she was one of us even if she did think she was better.

He came to visit with her once. They slept in a bed in the living room. They had baby Tim with them. I remember one night hearing OC let out tremendously loud farts. I was laughing about it in the bedroom.

Before they left he told mom that she'd better keep me locked up at home because if I ever got out and got a job or a drivers license that I would get raped, arrested and jailed. I was mortally embarrassed to hear this.

I never got raped although it came close once in Colorado. I have never spent time in jail although I came close on a few occasions. I got a traffic ticket once for speeding. The spring under the gas pedal broke and it stayed down. I believe I was doing 37 in a 35 mile zone. I was fined five dollars in court and it was waived because I didn't own the car. They called it mechanical failure. Another time I was arrested for disturbing the peace but that was a long story and doesn't belong in this part. It was years and years later.


