I had to get a new ID card because I somehow lost mine, probably in my locker..

I had to take a long bus ride to another part of the post I'd never been to before. I ran into these girls after I got off the bus. I knew them but I don't know now what they laughing about then.


I crossed this little bridge on the way to get my photo taken for the new ID. I thought it was nice and I whipped out my camera which was usually with me.

At breakfast I usually ate whatever looked good. I learned to eat rice for breakfast here. I didn't know that rice could be made into something besides the dreaded rice pudding of my youth. This rice came with bits of vegetables and scrambled egg and sometimes a bit of mystery meat. I ate it sometimes and it was good. I didn't think about what kind of meat was in it. Somebody told me they took leftover stuff from the day before and chopped it up to add to it.

A few hours after breakfast one morning I started to get awful gut cramps. It was so bad if I moved I hurt. I told the instructor I had to go to sick call. Unfortunately I had to ride the bus to get there. It was wicked. If there were springs on the bus they were not working. The driver hit every thing. I winced each time. He said he was sorry, it was an old bus. I don't think there was anyone on the bus but me and him so I was up front.

He got me to the hospital where they said I had a case of diverticulitis which left me still not knowing what he meant. He explained that the rice I ate for breakfast may not have been cooked enough and as it passed through me it was scratching the walls of the intestines as it went. He gave me a script and told me to lay down when I got back and it would be over as soon as the rice got through me. It was horrible but I got through that too.

On one of my leaves home to be with Mom when she was ill, I happened to go out to the bar with another lady. She was a friend and she thought it would be fun. At this particular bar, one I'd never been to before, I ordered a beer. I wasn't going it drink it. I was going to taste of it but I had to drive home so doing anything other than that would have been out of the question.

I looked up at the bartender to give him my order. I believe I had my shock well. It was JB the nasty guy from my past. I could be nice here and say the letters stand for his name but they don't and you don't want to know what they do stand for either. I calmly ordered my beer.

Now you have to picture this. Because I was on emergency leave I had to wear my dress uniform whenever I was out in public. It was the rule. So there I was in my snazzy uniform, looking like a model almost and there was the jerk in an old torn and messy shirt wearing a dirty apron in a crummy bar. I was elated just thinking about it.

He brought me my beer in a can with the glass on the side. I looked down and the glass was not only dirty, it had lipstick on it. Mim screwed up her mouth when she saw me looking at it. I said, "I'd like a clean glass."

He looked at me like I'd just asked him for something really expensive and hard to do but he grumbled and did it. I still wasn't sure about the glass so I poured the beer in it and let it sit there on the counter.

Every time Mim or I said a word, he was right there like he was expecting me to acknowledge him. I also thought he was listening in on every word.

I pulled a photo out of my purse. It was one the ones I'd taken of the woods. I carefully showed it to Mim so he couldn't see it. She caught on fast. "Oh my, he looks so handsome! You got a great one there, and that car is wonderful!" She cupped it so he couldn't see it as she handed it back to me. I had a big smile on my face. He didn't look so happy.

We left a bit later and we didn't leave a tip either. My glass of beer still sat on the counter untouched. We laughed all the way back to her place.


