Christmas During Tommy's Childhood.

When Tommy was little he got a lot of gifts. When we moved to New York he was lucky if I could afford to get him even one. I always felt sad about all he had lost. It was much more than the "things" that I had lost.

These next photos are of Christmases when we lived in Ohio.

His first Christmas was a total waste because he was so young and it never felt like Christmas in Hawaii. Even his second Christmas wasn't much to him I bet but he got toys.

These photos are here as I scanned them not in the order they happened.

Holidays were always spent at Grandma Million's while she was alive. I got both Tommy and Michael hard hats that year. I got him lots of other things too, but the hard hats he really loved.

The hard hat is on the top of the tree. I didn't have an angel or even a star so Tom stuck that up there. I always filled stocking for both of them. I figured that fireplace ought to be used for something. We never had a fire in it. He told me he thought the flue was permanently shut off. I didn't want a fire. Fires were always dangerous. Fires with Christmas trees would have meant the Christmas tree would have been in a different corner maybe even a different room.

That was an ugly couch but some one gave it to us when we moved in to the Mill street house. I draped the spread over it so he wouldn't loose his little toys. He's got his trucks, his hard had, Smurf radio, Getalong Gang stuffed animals, ewok tree house and a bunch of other stuff. He was so excited on Christmas morning.


His Dad got him this train set one year and he built the table for him to put it on.


