I think this was his third Christmas and it was at State Street.

Maybe his Dad got this for him or maybe someone else.

Believe me that is not a package of Christmas wrapping paper there. It just looks like it.

The chocolate brownie Christmas trees I made years before "Little Debbie" even thought of it.

That year we put the tree in the corner by the front door so the lights could be seen outside.

That bench thing is a swing thing that Tom made for Grandpa and Grandma Million. I do have to say this for him. He knew what to do with wood when he wanted to build something. I don't think he spent a penny on the wood for this and he designed and made it himself. He worked on it a long time sanding scrapwood and staining it and polishing up to a high gloss.

I scanned this copy a few years ago and it doesn't look much better. It was one of those polaroids.

I think Grandma Hicks made him the dogs.


