More scenes

When Tom came out here the first time from Fort Lee, I took him down to Millies. We hiked that bunch of woods behind her house that led by this small creek to the road on the other side. I'd always liked this place.

Thats a bar of gravel in the middle. It wasn't pea sized gravel but bigger stones. I really wanted to get over there and paw though those stones but I wasn't dressed for that.

I'm not sure, this might be Argyle creek after the storm or it might be this place behind Millie's.

This is Argyle after a summer rain. It was the boggiest of places.


Mom discovered these at the edge of the swamp in Argyle. We'd never seen lilies grow like that before in a cluster on one stem. It turned out they were Canadian lilies and that was the way they were supposed to grow.

I loved the way the blue dock looks against the chopped wood, especially the birch. I couldn't get the blue of the blue dock to restore right.

Sue and I went for drives a lot just to get away from the monotony of home. As I was driving, I'd make her get out and haul it in whenever I saw a rock I wanted. Somewhere, I think on 197 coming out of Fort Edward towards Argyle, I saw a big pink marbled rock I wanted. I think we were in her yellow truck that time but maybe not. I really wanted that rock but I knew I'd never get it back to Ohio and I'd be laughed at if I did. I got her to stop and I hauled it in the back. She was scared we were going to get caught. They were building up the sides of the road there and had dumped those rocks there to support it. I left it in Argyle and years later she told me some lady came along and wanted it and she gave away my stolen rock.

I don't know where this was but I loved the way the water ran between the rocks.

Winter in Tamerack swamp.

Somewhere in Argyle in the winter.

