These are photos of Argyle.

A lot of the older ones are ones I took when I visited or ones Sue gave me that she took.

Me in a wig

Dusty. One morning I got up early because I could hear a cat crying somewhere outside my window. I wasn't dressed at all except for my green shirt that I'd slept in the night before. I went out to see what it was. I figured no one would see me. The shirt covered everything.

I found this tiny ball of spitting fur. She was just a baby but she was vicious. I don't know why but I felt I had to save her and bring her inside. I thought about it but not for long. I tore off my shirt and wrapped it around her so she wouldn't bite me and scratch me. Totally naked, I took her inside handed her to Dad and dashed for the bedroom to put clothes on. I don't know if he noticed but he never said a thing about me being without clothes and out doors at that.

Nobody could get near that cat except Dad. He said she was a feral cat from the woods. She became his baby. I have more photos of her somewhere that I will add here when I find them.

People were always dropping cats there. Maybe they thought we had so many we wouldn't notice. I had forgotten this but Dad would make us drive them somewhere else and dump them out near farms.

Once he made Sue do this with a momma cat and her kittens. Sue didn't want to do it but he forced her to ride with him and shove them out. They left them near some old man's house. She told me last night the man's name but this morning its gone.

A week or so went by and Bobby Taylor's wife Luanne came over to visit. She told Sue that the funniest thing had happened. They had gone to visit a friend near there and when they walked in they found Luanne's cat with all her kittens. They thought she was lost and brought her and the kittens back home.



That was Scruffy. He looks so innocent.

Both Mom and Dad loved the county fairs. Me, not so much. It was fun when we were little. Later I would grab up a bunch of papers to read later and stuff them in my bag. Most would end up in the burn barrel unread.

This photo above might have been taken by me. I think it was. I think there are more. That's Sue and Mom talking to a trooper. I think the other photo when and if I find it shows a huge pot plant they had on display there. I don't know what Sue was talking with him about. Maybe Mom got her to ask him something.




Me with baby Tommy, you can see his feet.

I'm pretty sure I took this of Sue on a visit to Crandall Park. It might have been at a much later time when I'd come back from Ohio to live here again. I'm pretty sure that's the library in the background. I loved that library. I never found one to match what was available there.

Photos of Dad taken in the years while I was in Ohio. Either Sue or I took these. If it was me it was on a visit. Dad's weight problem was that he couldn't gain no matter what he ate. He ate some really bad stuff.

He had to have potatoes every day of his life and salt pork as well. Sometimes he fried the potatoes but mostly he boiled them. He said if the potatoes burned while they were boiling, it meant it was going to rain. I'm guessing watching the pot had nothing to do with it?

I remember the salt pork. He would buy it in a chunk. I supposed it had a purpose. I would just look at all that fat and gag. He cut off slices and boiled them in a small aluminum pan for awhile. Then he poured the water off. That was supposed to remove a lot of the salt. Next, he would fry the slices in pan and add them to his boiled potatoes. I did taste the salt pork at times and it was tasty but it was so bad, I didn't eat it unless I was starving.

He smoked from the age of seven he told us once.

Not impressed with getting his picture taken.

Mom with her Native look. I kept it even though it was blurry because it reminded me so much of her.


