Me. There was a company picnic held at Kataross Creek. It was a popular spot near or at Saratoga Springs. There was a big pavilion and rides and events. My company was having a Gong Show and I was part of the entertainment. It was televised on local TV.

I sang my "Sweet Violets" I first heard that song on one of those 78 records we had listened to a lot growing up. It was a funny song and I loved it. I sang the same song at Fort Lee.

The outfit I'm wearing is crocheted cotton. Mom said it had once belonged to her mom during her "slutty" days. I loved it. It was perfect for giving me and old time look. I wore another wig. I just loved my wigs in those days.

Mom said Grandma would have worn it with nothing underneath but I wasn't that daring and this was a family picnic. I put a black slip underneath it but it was still daring so I added a black camisole to cover some of my chest at least. The pearls were not only modern but fake. I doubt if Grandma ever owned real ones.

I was on stage singing and they were filming when the hook came out and I was hauled off stage. I'm sure they thought it was funny but I was really irked that they hadn't even let me finish. I went away to another part of the park and moped. I had forgotten that it was all supposed to be a funny show.

I was getting ready to leave when someone grabbed me and told me they wanted me on stage. I was still angry and said nope I wasn't going up there to be laughed at again. I stormed off home.

The next day at work, I was called into the office once again. This stuff was getting old fast. They handed me a small trophy. I had won the "Most Amusing Act." I took it but I wasn't thrilled. I just wanted to forget the whole thing. Yet, I kept that trophy for years. It went with me to Ohio where it got left behind.

I liked this photo of me. Jessie took it one day. My hair is about that long now. Al fixed it up by putting it in a frame. Al is a dear sweet man and very talented.

This hot air balloon would come to the festival every year. It got into a habit of putting down in a field near our house in Argyle. I think they said once or maybe we just surmised it, that it was a lunch break. It was awesome and we loved seeing it. I drove around once with Sue and Tommy chasing it to see where it went and hoping to get a better shot.

Grumpy Sue. Maybe it was just the sun in her eyes.

I think these are Sues dolls. She read a lot of books back then and that's her book shelf. I think we brought the book shelf back from Colorado, but as usual I could be wrong on that. I don't know what the plant is but I'm going to ask her.

Dad. It was some kind of centennial event. Every adult male in town had to sport a beard or they would be fined.

If you look in the back ground you will see Mom's Ford Sewing machine. She got it while we lived in Kingsbury. Some woman and her sister were on a quiz show where they won them. At least that was the story Mom told. They wanted to sell one. I think she paid fifty bucks for it.

Now that I know more about the unscrupulous people in life, I think it may have been stolen. For all we know, maybe they stole a truck load of them and were selling them at flea sales and rummage places all over. I could be all wrong though and we'll never know for sure.

I had never heard then or now of Ford making sewing machines but there is an awful lot of things in the world that I will never know about. Mom loved her machine. Even when it broke down, she still loved it. Some things she could fix herself but sometimes she took it to a pro. She kept it for years.

I believe this is Heidi one of Sues dogs. She rescued her from a nasty pound run by Uncle Ken. Sue always loved her animals and Heidi was one of her favorites.

I may have used that image here somewhere else. I will look and see and remove it if I find it in another place. I know I took it here in Argyle. I loved taking photos of the wild flowers. I just threw away a whole bunch of them because they had faded so much you could hardly find a flower in the images.


