High Protein Soy Bread
3 cps War Eagle White Wheat Wholegrain Flour
½ cp War Eagle Soy Flour
1 pkg dry yeast
4 Tbs dry milk
1 tsp salt
1 Tbs vegetable oil
1 cp plus 1 Tbs water
1 Tbs Splenda® No Calorie Sweetner
1 egg

Bread Machine Instructions – Place all ingredients in pan; set on dough cycle, press start. At end of cycle, remove dough, place in oiled 9 x 5-inch loaf pan. Cover with cloth; let rise for 40 minutes of until doubled. Bake in 375° preheated oven for 35 – 40 minutes or until bottom is golden. Butter top; cool on rack.
Conventional Instructions – In large bowl, stir together water and yeast. Stir in dry milk, oil, salt, Splenda®, egg, soy flour, and wholegrain flour. Turn out on floured board, kneading until smooth. Place in clean, oiled bowl, turning once. Cover with plastic wrap and cloth. Set in warm place; let rise until double, about 1 ½ hours. Form loaf; place in oiled 9 x 5-inch loaf pan. Let rise about 40 minutes. Bake in preheated 375° oven for 35 – 40 minutes or until bottom is golden. Butter top; cool on rack. Makes 20 servings.


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