Barramundi In Coconut Crust With Curried Coconut Cream Sauce
You need:
Sauce ingredients:
50g unsalted butter
2 spring onions finely chopped
1 clove garlic crushed
1 table spoon curry powder
125ml chicken or vegetable stock
125ml coconut cream
125ml dry white wine
Ingredients for main dish:
4 fillets barramundi
175ml light olive oil
50g unsalted butter
1 egg white
250ml water
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup seasoned corn flour

Method for sauce:
Melt butter in a sauce pan and add onion and garlic cook for around 1 minute or until the onion softens. Add the curry powder and cook until curry becomes aromatic. Add chicken stock white wine and coconut cream and stir well. Bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes.
Method for main dish:
Melt butter in a shallow fry pan large enough to comfortably hold the four fillets. Add the olive oil.
Dredge fish fillets in seasoned corn flour. Beat egg white into water to make an egg wash. Dip the fish in the egg wash and then the shredded coconut patting the coconut onto the fish fillets. Make sure the oil is hot and add the fish to the pan. Cut back the heat to low and cook covered for four minutes, turn and cook for a further four minutes. The fish should be moist and the coconut golden brown. Plate-up and pour sauce over fish.


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