How to cook Old-fashioned oatmeal in a microwave
Old Fashion oats are healthier for you than instant or minute oats because they have been processed less and therefore have more fiber and nutrients. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn't take any longer to make them than 'quick' oats. Give it a try!
Things You'll Need:
# Old Fashion Oats * OPTIONS: * pinch salt * brown sugar * honey * walnuts * maple syrup * cinnamon * raisins
# Pour about a half cup old fashioned oats into a microwave-proof cereal or desert bowl. If you make this recipe often enough you can easily 'eyeball' this amount as about a third to half the bowl, depending on its shape.
# Option: Add a pinch of salt for flavor.
# Add water to the bowl up to the top of the oats.
# Microwave the oats on high for 2-3 minutes. (Your mileage may vary) Milage? I believe they mean minutes.
# Top with honey, brown sugar, raisins, banana slices or whatever you like.
# Let your oatmeal cool a few minutes before eating, and you're done.


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