The Pig Roast

The club held a turkey shoot many times. It wasn't just on holidays. At least I don't think so. They didn't really shoot turkeys of course. They shot targets. I don't think I could have entered but I wouldn't have dared "interfere" in the "boys" club. I don't recall too much about the particulars. They may have won certificates to pick up frozen turkeys or just took them out of an ice chest. I think Tom won once. I'm not sure.

They were always looking for ways to make money to pay fees, land taxes, who knows what else.

They were real upset one year when a speedway set up next door. I would have thought it would have been a territory issue. It seems to me that it couldn't have been too safe to be firing weapons next door to an outdoor event with lots of dumb people running around.

Maybe the club wanted money to buy land farther away or just to fight the speedway. I don't know.

Somebody's idea was to hold a pig roast. They sold tickets but I think they didn't sell as many as they wanted to sell. It was the first time they'd done it and most events like that survive on repeat business.

Jacque had joined the club by now and all of the members went and brought their families. Either I had a car at the time or Jack and Diane brought us.

I took these photos but the negatives are long gone.

The pig is roasting and I believe at that time it had been roasting for hours. I don't recognize any of these people except that guy in the plaid shirt is the father of the little girl playing with Tommy and Erin in a photo farther down. I see now on the far right a picnic table where Tom is sitting probably with Jacque.

The kettle has ears of corn boiling in it. I think they had the shucks still on them. Beside the kettle near the fire is a glass jug with water in it and melted butter. You were supposed to un-shuck your ear of corn and then dip it in the butter in the glass jar. Your corn got nicely buttered with no waste.

Tom and Jacque and a bunch of total strangers.

Tommy, Erin and that other guys daughter playing with water balloons.

The little girls father.

The outhouse. I don't know how you told male from female.

Erin sitting beside the pig. I think it was resting then.

Tom brought mess hall knives and huge white sheets of plastic that he got from work because they were defective. They were supposed to be perfect for a government order. The inch or so thick white plastic sheets were made to line the hulls of submarines. I'm not sure who did the actual cutting up of the pig but I think Tom did some of it.

It wasn't a bad day in all. The kids had fun and at least I had Diane to talk with because nobody else had anything to say to me except for Bill and Pauline. Pauline brought an all veggie salad. She had layered different raw vegetables into a large glass see through bowl. It was very pretty.


