Preparing the cannon.

That's the stew pot and the old guy. I took these on different visits. On the last one I went to, this old fellow gave us a ride there because we didn't have a car. What I didn't know until it was all over was that Tommy and I were now stranded.

I don't know who's idea it was or how it happened but Old Tom told me I would have to find a way home for Tommy and me. HE was riding with the old man but there was no room for me.

I was getting worried. Everyone was leaving and we still didn't have a ride home. A storm was blowing up and the sky was turning purple. I was so worried. I couldn't imagine how he could be so thoughtless as to invite us to come and not have a way home for us and to seem like he didn't care. I could see if it was just me but he loved Tommy and I just could never understand what was going through his mind.

Before I would go totally bonkers, old Bill pulled up and told me I'd better get to the car quick because the storm was coming fast. I confessed we not only had no car but no way home. He too was disgusted and told us to crawl in the back seat quick, which we did.

I had been friendly with Bill and Pearl before this but that day they became our guardian angels. I don't know if he spoke to Tom about it. I never heard.

From that day on I picked wild berries and grapes for Bill to make wine with. I wasn't interested in the wine. I just wanted to pay him back for saving us.


Yep, that was me. It's easy to see how he could forget we needed a ride home.

I'm not sure but I think I have another photo that goes with this unless it too is lost. They all met at the old guys home. the purpose was to strip logs to make tent poles for the teepee they were building. They had a company who stitched together the hides to cover it.

Tommy and I came along because I had a car then so I brought Tom back and forth.

I went to show the next time they did it and went inside the teepee. It was very large but it was kind of nice in there.


