I got a lot of big pots and filled them with other plants. Al made me wooden benches for them to sit on during the summer.

Now some of them are empty and stored with there soil still in them for next year.

This one has my cactus collection.

I have 3 varieties in here.

The sharp pointy one is called Desert Rose. I forgot the names of the others. I had another one in here but it died. I tried some cactus seed but like with other seedlings, they came up and something ate them.

When I first planted these something gave me a bad reaction. I had itchy welts on my hands. I think its from touching one of them but the ones left don't seem to bother me.

These two pots have Bergamot in the one on thel eft and my two varieties of Christmas Cactus in the one on the right.

I stuck the cactus on that sliding end table thing so I could haul it in out of the frost if the frost comes this year. Al got me sliding dolly things for the rest of the ones I kept to make it easier for me.

