This is my Norfolk Island Pine. I got it last Christmas when it was only half this size at Home Depot for a Christmas tree. It had small plastic balls on it. It was really dumb looking but I wanted it. I got one the year before but when I put it out side it died. It seems they put some kind of glitter glue on the branches and between that and the drought conditions it died. This year I kept it watered good and removed as much of glitter stuff as I could. One branch still died but I chopped that one out.

Behind that is my flowering cactus. I don't know what its called and would love to know. Somewhere I have photos of it blooming if they didn't fry on my computer.

It grows like crazy. I got a tiny sprig of it in a small stone boot from Rose when she lived in Quitman before she moved to Florida. She doesn't know what its called and never knew it bloomed.

This is a close up of the cosmos and zinnia. I had a bunch of the pink and purple cosmos in a pot during the summer but spiders started a nest in them and they got too big and scragglely for the pot so I ripped them out and stuck them in a trash bag.

These are the Indian Hawthorn.

Those light patches are just reflected sun light.



