This is it so far, more is coming.

At first, I was nervous and thought this wasn't for me, but it seems to have grown on me.

I didn't like the purple flowers. I wanted them blue like blue dock but it didn't happen. I put it away and forgot it. Now bringing it out to show here, I see beauty in it that missed me before.

Our teacher continually tells us, "If we wanted perfection, we'd take a photo!"


It took me a few days to finish the panda but its done. I learn more as I do them. No lessons in a long time and they may never do that again there but it was enough to get me started.


I'm going to try oils when I can figure out how to do it. LOL! I remember my mother doing them and for her it was messy with mixing colors. I did buy some and a bottle of turpentine, at least I think it was. Now I have to dig out the art books or google or just pick my sister's brain because she's used oil in the past.


I remember when I was eleven and I broke my arm and collar bone and something else. I was in a cast for a long time but at first I was in the hospital for a bit. My mom got me a "paint by number" set. It was deer and I tried to follow all those tiny little lines and numbers. I had some sloppy paint on the board when it flipped up and fell face down on the sheets! I gave up oils at that moment and never tried it again.


I've always hated following somebody else's lines anyway.


