Thank You


At first I could not talk to anyone.
I hibernated.
I will always love you.
But I know I could never have a future with you.
I can never have a future with anyone.
Poets dream.
They don't live.
It was so relaxing and safe to stay with you.
Please forgive me for taking advantage of you.
I was not able to evolve as long as you were taking care of me.
I appreciate everything you did for me.
You are a very special person.
You touched me and you leave me forever changed.
Yes, I am heart broken, but that broken heart is a wonderful event.
It means I am still alive, emotionally and physically.
The hell of my marriage left me destroyed.
I thought I would never find someone I could love.
I thought I was not capable of feeling that kind of emotion.
You gave me that.
For a few incredibly sweet days,
you gave me the feeling that I was loved,
that I was good enough.
It's a memory I will always cherish.
It's long been believed
that for an artist or a writer to create
something truly beautiful
they must first suffer.
I believe I have the market cornered on that.

People ask me
how come I write so much sad poetry.
It's easier to write sad stuff.
Writing 101: Write What You Know.
Sadness is all I know.
So here I am doing the unimaginable,
Thanking you for devastating my emotions,
Because I have been doing
some of the best stuff
I have ever done.
I needed this time of hibernation.
In the last 15 years,
I have created 3 paintings.
In this last week
I have created
8 of the finest
I have ever done.
I could not have done this
without you.
Thank you for giving me
the greatest gift of all,
A piece of me.