Our Love Flows


Your hand in mine
Mine in yours
Our love flows
Through our fingertips.

Flesh touching yours
Yours on mine
Cell to cell
Our love flows.

Tip to tip
Toe to toe
Our love flows

In the morning
I stretch out my arm
Seeking to find you there.

You sleep on
Never knowing of my forays
My need to know
That you are real
That you exist
In this time honored place
This sanctuary from the world around us.

My fingertips
Trace the contours of your cheeks
Your lips, your eyes

Once I have satisfied myself
That you do indeed exist
I retreat into the sleep world
Where I dream of you

I feel
Our love flowing
Tip to tip
Toe to toe.
Our love flows.

On the bed we lie
Hip to hip
Knee to knee
Toe to toe
Through our tip toes
Our love flows.