Morning With You


Morning sunlight sifts through the lacy curtain

It dapples the wonder of you

Lying naked on soft satin sheets.

The liquid silver forest of your chest

Undulating with each breath you take.


My sleepy eyes absorb the beauty of you

I hoard these visions

In a secret corner of my mind

Hoping the day will never come

When I shall have to take them out.


Leaning on an elbow, I survey you

Have there been any changes in the night?

Is my treasure still secure?

Your silky lashes twitch in dream time

A smile invades your lips.


Guilt floods me. I should be rising.

There�s coffee to make.

But how can I leave you?

How can I drag myself away

From these precious moments?


The answer comes to me.

I slide my foot along the side of yours.

Toes touching toes I try to wake you.

Sorry my love.

There�s coffee to make.


Awake now, the dream still on your face,

You turn to me and smile.

Your arms reach for me and I know.

Coffee will be late this morning.

There�s love to make.