Know This!
Know that somewhere in the deepest darkest night
My soul cries out to you.
Know that my spirit reaches out to you
In silence.
Know that no matter how much you hurt
That if I could
I would take your pain and absorb it
And suffer for you.
Know that shared pain is halved.
Know that in the wee small hours of the morning
When you feel the sadness deepen beyond belief
That you only have to reach out
To touch me
To feel my love
And be comforted by it.
Know that there are no strings
To this love.
Know that I only
Want to hold you
In my arms
Till you are warm again.
Know that my love
Will reach across the bounderies
Of time and space
To comfort you
Whenever you need me.
Where ever you go
And however long that time is.
Know this.