Mama's Poetry

Down The Paths Of Yesterday

Down the paths of Yesterday
Across the fields and meadows
We fished the ponds and streams afar
And carried home our treasure.

We cut the tree and peeled the bark
And sawed it up in pieces
We worked together side by side
In every kind of weather.

We milked the cows and cured the hay
Plowed and planted hillsides.
We had our babies suffered losses
And reaped our harvest blessings.

We walk together hand in hand
Along the paths of woods and hills
Where flowers bloom and wood nymphs scamper
Beside the flowing brooks and rills.

Different shades of evergreen
The smell so sweet and clear
Was like our love of yesterday
That I still hold so dear.

When you wait beside the gate
Remember what I told you
Don't go too far away from there
For I don't want to lose you.

Catherine Baker