Mrs. Spider's Kitchen

 The kitchen began a very long time ago at a place called Lycos. It has moved over the years from one venue to another. It began as more of a joke at Halloween then evolved into a traditon.

Please understand that most of these recipes are not mine but ones I've found not only on the internet, but also from friends, family and books.

Also, they are not in alphabetical order because they did not 'come' to me that way.

* I recently began removing the apostrephe from titles of recipes because its quicker to save them, once created.

* I've decided to leave it here for various reasons. First, it's pretty involved putting it all up here and could take me months. If I copy it somewhere else that might possibly fail, I would have to start all over again. After several years and venues, I'm just going to leave it here and post links wherever I am, when I need them.

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