September's Garden

Here it is nearing the end of the season back in New York

and here in Texas, I'm growing a new crop.

The first bunch of cucumbers went belly up.

They got hit hard with melon aphids and combined with the heat, I got maybe 5 fruits out of all.

I learned.

I ripped out the old nearly dead plants and began again.

I put foil under the cucumbers. This helped.

I still have a few pests but I'm working on it.

The tomatoes I almost lost.

The plants survived but only through constant picking off of hornworms.

Eventually we gave up and sprayed with Sevin. I hated to do that.

No more hornworms!

I found a few cocooned caterpillars of some kind and squashed them.

I cut off lots of the dead branches on the tomatoes, re-fed and watered and they are perking up.

