This is Sue, AKA Ursula

She was and still is Sue to us. Mom's mother always messed up the pronunciation of Ursula but Mom just thought Sue was the name she should go by. She was named after the wife of an Army buddy of Dad's. His name was Joe Winter and he had married a German lady named Ursula. I think he was from Long Island and lived there but I could be wrong on that. He was from the city, of that I'm pretty sure.

The dress Sue is wearing was made by our Mom. Most of our new clothes were made by Mom. She tried to teach all of us to sew.

I don't know if you noticed Enid's teeth. She hated her teeth. Most of us younger ones grew up thinking we were ugly. My older sisters told me I was fat. In later years even Enid told me I was fat. Sometimes I was and sometimes I wasn't but the feelings in you when someone tells you that and its from someone you are related to stick with you forever. I grew up thinking I was fat and ugly.  I think Sue grew up thinking she was ugly and stupid. She wasn't either so I guess I wasn't either but inside me there is a little girl still thinking she is still fat and ugly.

I smiled here. I smiled when ordered to smile. I hated wearing glasses. I hated that hair cut. We usually got our hair cut, why, I don't know. Don't laugh, but Nancy was allowed and encouraged to keep her hair long.

One of the "fat" pictures of me. I'm wearing the ugly glasses because even then I couldn't find my way across the room with out them. My butt was big. People, you know who, tell me now that I wasn't fat and on the top I wasn't but my butt looks huge to me. I felt stuffed into those jeans. I'm wearing a hat. That's not my hair that looks that big. I loved wearing straw hats. I loved riding the bike and climbing trees. Books were my friends. God knows, I seldom had a friend in school. We never stayed long enough in one place. Dad had to follow the work and live where it was cheapest to live. Even then it must have been hard to find a place to rent when you had 6 kids.


