The Williams House

Dad called this the Old Fort Edward Road. Millie has another name for it. We lived in the house for part of one year. I think we moved before winter because I only remember summer and fall.

We went to Argyle School

The photos will not be in order of when they were taken because I just don't know that order.

This was Millie. She is standing in front of the house on the edge of the road.

Behind her is a valley with houses.

One day there was a fire in one of those houses. Our Dad ran down there and pulled the old people out of the house. The house belonged to the Williams People. The old people were the Williams man's parents. He not only never Thanked Dad but in the paper Dad was never mentioned. I think it bothered our parents. It was only a few months later that we were told we had to move because now that we had fixed it up and made it livable he wanted to put his older son in there who was getting married. We had painted and papered and fixed things that were broken. Dad helped to put electric in there which wasn't there when we moved in. I think when we moved from here it was to the first cellar house we lived in.


Nancy, Anna, Millie and Sue

I was never happy having my photo taken.

There is no getting around it, Anna always thought she was above us and dressed fancy. Millie was what seemed to me then and now as a typical teenager of the time.

We seldom had new clothes and mostly wore things given to us or things Mom made.

I don't know why there appears to be sheets hanging on the front porch unless Mom was drying them there. She had lines on the right side of the house so I don't think that was why. We were so far out in the country that not many cars went by to see anyway.

Dad fixed up the porch too before we left, I think.


