The Trip To Vermont at Tinmouth (This is that trip I have a faint memory of, mostly of seeing the barn - Edie)

It wasn’t such a long trip but we all went to see my brother, his wife and three sons. We really enjoyed it. Guy, my brother had us go with them to see Grant Jackson and Ramona. Grant was his uncle. We went up on top of a mountain quite high to a horse ranch. The room we went into was crowded and I was told to sit in this rocking chair. In back of me was a doorway with a curtain across it. While everyone was talking the curtain behind me moved and a very old man with long white hair and a long white nightshirt appeared. He couldn’t talk. Just stood there and the children just stared at him and I felt like the old year man with the scythe was after me. Some of you children never forgot it. I did until Millie reminded me of it.

I have another memory of visiting people in Vermont and I think this was the same place. I remember a white house and I went up the stairs to an apartment. The stairs were on the outside of the building. It was one of the Russell boys of Grandpa Russell's first marriage. There was a little kid there and I think it was a boy. We went out side to play on the swings. Then I heard Mom or Dad calling me. She/he said if I didn't come now they were going to leave me. I wanted to stay on the swings with the little boy but I was really scared they would leave without me so I ran as fast as I could to jump in the car quick.

I do think that we had Grandma Russell with us when we went there.


