The potty chair. We thought we'd get him used to just sitting in it at first. I don't think he really ever needed a potty chair. I caught him one day in the toilet, lifting it out of his diaper and peeing in the bowl just like Dad. It was so funny. Then we got a small plastic seat for the toilet and a little stool so he could reach up there. You might say he trained himself. There was no big fuss about it.


Grandma and baby. This kid was loved!



Sleeping with Dad

Horsing around.

I think but I'm not sure that Grandma Hicks got him the bunny for Easter. He loved all stuffed toys.

While we were house hunting, we mostly took him with us but sometimes, Grandma would be in town to watch him while we looked. Later, Sue came out and she either stayed with him or like the last time, she went to look.

We looked at a lot of houses. There was one near the Rowe school that I really liked the looks of and where it was situated but it needed too much work done to it. The people who had lived there last had owned four big dogs and let them run all through the house. The place smelled. It would have needed the carpet ripped out among other things. It was a disaster as far as the money went. We just didn't have the cash to fix it if it was even possible so we kept looking.

Another house we looked at seemed a bit small and cramped. I was already thinking no when they showed us the attic with the warning to watch where we stepped. Up in the attic I pointed to a Band-Aid that was fastening two wires together. Tom just shook his head and we left. I can't imagine anyone thinking that Band-Aid around wires was a solution. The warning about watching where we step also had a warning about where we put our hands in case we were to get zapped.

I found one I loved that was a lot further down state street. It had a huge finished off attic that ran the whole length of the house. It was a truly beautiful house and within our budget. The back yard was fenced in with a big tree. I loved it. We applied to get it but the government was taking too long. I forget what they called it but the deal fell through when the time ran out before the government gave the OK and the house went to the next couple that wanted it. I was distraught over that. I was at the point of thinking we'd never find a place.

When the next call came for another looksee, I told Sue to go with him to look, I was too tired. I stayed home with Tommy. I think Grandma Hicks went to look too but I'm not sure. I know someone brought Sue home to watch Tommy while I went to see. Sue loved it. She would because the woman who had died that owned it loved cats and there were cat things around the house still. Sue said it felt right. It did. I liked the house. I just didn't like what happened to it afterwards. I could never look at that house again and see it as a nice place. It could have been.


