Tommy was really a very cute baby. Most mothers think that about their own kid. I've seen lots of babies and some are real ugly, some are just plain and some are cute. Mine was a beautiful boy. Strangers would tell me so and they had nothing to gain by telling me that.

His Dad played with him a lot when he was little.

That big long piece of furniture you see in one of the photos above belonged to our Mom. I'm not sure where she got it from.

Tommy loved those cupboard doors on the side. He would go up to it and pull open the door, haul out her towels and climb up in there. When they came out to get our furniture it came home with us at Mom's insistence.

It was scarred in places and I thought it needed to be refinished. I thought it would be easy to do. We hauled it out to the porch. I'm not sure if the leg got broke then or if it was later but at one point one of the legs did get broke and Tom put a new peg in it and glued it back together.

On the porch I stripped it using nasty chemicals and spraying it with the hose when I needed to. It seemed to be taking forever. Somebody told me it was because it was made of cherrywood an absorbed the water and chemicals. It took me a long time but I did manage to refinish it.


