The Horse

This was the same horse that his father had when he was that age. It not only lasted through her three kids but Tommy as well.

I put the diaper on him. If you look in most of these photos you will see real ugly furniture for the most part. I don't think we ever bought a new piece of furniture. We were just never able to afford new. We took whatever someone gave us for the most part. Those chairs that look like maybe kitchen chairs are really cast offs from where he worked. They got new and were tossing the others out in the trash.

He was always the most adorable child.





I believe this is what's known as a bare butt rider. Those illustrations on the wall are taped on pages from a "Current" calendar. I loved them and he did too. Even at this age he knew what each one was and could say the name.

I think he was after a cassette because he wanted some music or a story. I had some with stories on them. I call this the early MacGyver period.

After tiring of the horse its back to tossing the toes out of the box so he can sit in it. I think he must have been part cat...


