He was fascinated by everything around him. I was making biscuits and I had him in this pack thing on my back. He had to stick his hand in there too.

This pack thing was both a blessing and a terror. I went somewhere and I had him on my back in it. It was shortly after we got here because it was this pack. I was walking down the sidewalk and I tripped. A lot of the sidewalks were broken or with tree roots pushing them up at angles and breaking them in the process. I fell and I couldn't stop myself but I was more scared about him on my back in the pack. I twisted so I could at least try to save him. We ended up in the grass on someone's lawn but thankfully he wasn't hurt. I, however, had badly wrenched muscles and hurt for days.

I'm not sure if he thought he was eating here or cooking.

He was always getting messy with flour. It was great fun for him to "help"

This was the pots and pans cupboard just beyond the drawers.

He did this same thing when we visited Argyle and he was in his walker. I don't know if it was the sounds they made hitting the floor he liked or if he just wanted to play with them. Nothing was safe from him. The world was all one big toy!


Making his own sandwich.

This was in the kitchen but I'm not sure what he was doing. It looks like a, "Can I help?" expression or maybe he's trying out for a Shakespeare play?

Grandma Hicks and Aunt Barb. I don't know if that was a birthday cake or who made it.  It kind of looks like Tommy decorated it but I can't really name him as the culprit. I was not the best cake decorator.


