We used to wear those white socks a lot.


While we lived here Dad at first worked for the Town of Fort Edward but then he got laid off because he no longer lived in the town of Fort Edward.

He got a joy working for a trash man that he called Peter J. He was a nasty as in mean man. I didn't know much about him except what Dad told us. One day in the winter, he made Dad get out of the truck and help a friend of his get his car out of his drive way. I'm not certain it was the driveway. The car was stuck on the ice. Dad did what he was told and although he got the car moving he slipped and broke his thumb. He couldn't life things while it was healing and I think Peter J fired him. I do know that Peter J had been taking money out of Dad's pay saying it was for Workers Comp Insurance and that he was taking tax money and other fees out of Dad. When Dad filed for Workers Comp there was a big to do because Peter J had never paid into that or even listed Dad as an employee so none of the other fees got paid either. Workers Comp on behalf of Dad sued the old man and won and Dad got money for it and Peter J was in a whole lot of trouble.

We were going around the apartment laughing and chanting that "Peter J was gonna pay" and he sure did. Dad celebrated by bringing a box of chocolates home for us all.

As the other photos come in I may add more to each of these sections.

While he was working for them if someone threw something away like books he would bring them home to us. I could never get enough books even back then. Mom read a lot too.

One day he brought home two record albums that were still sealed up from the store. He said someone gave them to him and told him to bring them home to us because it was nothing their kids wanted. I don't remember the other album but the one I really loved was Little Peggy March. The main song and the title of the album was "I will follow him." I can hear it in my head even now.

Enid and Cindy

Enid and Millie

Enid was cute but she was troubled.


I think its Sue down in the alleyway.


