I think that's Gary or Peanut Swan. I forget which one is which. Mom took care of them for Ethyl Swan who worked for the GE in Fort Edward. Years later she would die from Cancer.

The hair ball in the foreground is my dog Foxy. He was a Pomeranian that Cindy said followed her home and wouldn't leave when she lived on Delaware Avenue in Hudson Falls. Her kids were driving him nuts so she gave him to Mom and he "adopted" me.

This is Jennylynn Hayes. Sometimes Mom took care of her but it was mostly her and Nancy played together.

Grandpa and Grandma Hayes, no relation to us but we called them that anyway, lived down Bentley road. There daughter-in-law Miriam called Mimi was Mom's friend. She was also the church secretary. She had two girls Jennylynn and a younger one that I don't remember her name.

Their father lived where ever he felt like it and it was hardly ever home with them. His name was James. He was living in Texas then. He brought the kids home a baby Armadillo once and it got lost in the trailer house they lived in. A year or so later they found its skeleton behind the fridge when they moved it.

The old people were Gordon Hayes and Jenny Hayes. I think that was her name. He made some kind of peanut fudge every Christmas and gave to us. Enid called it toenail fudge. We liked it and ate it.

Mom always had flowers growing and provided a lot of bouquets for the church each summer. It was a Wesleyan Methodist.

She also sent Grandma Hayes bouquets every now and then and some of us girls would take them to her. Mom didn't do it to get something in return but the old lady always gave us a treat of candy usually. One day someone called us little beggars and Mom never let us accept any candy after that.

Jennylynn went to Korea I think it was on some kind of missionary thing. She fell in love with a guy there and married him bringing him and his family here to the states. Where any of them are now I don't know.

Mimi worked for Finch Pruyn the paper mill all the time we knew her.


