Anna came home on leave, probably when she graduated. I think they made her. She didn't want to be here, I'm sure of that. She was going back to marry Ronald O'Connor.

She liked the uniform and she liked thinking she was better than the rest of us but she told Mom that the other women "above" her were nasty people who would come in from boozing and barf and she and the newer girls had to clean it up. She told Mom who later told us that sometimes Anna would open her eyes at night and see other girls in the barracks making love to each other. We were all shocked. Nobody talked about that kind of thing except in men's trashy magazines.

The upshot was that in order for Anna to get out of the Marines she had to either stay till the end of her tour or she could get out early if she was pregnant. I was told that they got married quietly with out the Marines knowing it but I find that hard to swallow. Anna got pregnant with Timothy whom she named after her cat and left the Marines but her Marine husband of course was allowed to stay.

Another thing Anna didn't like in the Marines is that she had to learn to swim to graduate. They "taught" her by throwing her in the pool. Thank God this wasn't a requirement for me in the Army. I would have fought them to the death.

As you can see, Anna knew how to pose. Unfortunately, she still had to suffer through Ma's poor back ground choices. It's like Ma never saw the background only the face of her subjects.

I don't know which dog this is.

She seemed to like Nancy. This may be because Nancy was photogenic a word we didn't know back then. You have to admit, Nancy was a little beauty most of her younger years.


