Another friend was a blonde girl I met somewhere. I think on the bus. She was young and in a lot of ways really naive. She lived with her Army husband a few blocks from us. I really don't remember him. I did drive his car while he was doing a stint in Korea, I think that was where. It was mostly because he wanted someone to drive him to the airport and he didn't want to leave the car for the two weeks or maybe a whole month that he was gone. The other reason was so she'd have someone to drive her places if she needed it.

One day she came over to the apartment and went into our toilet and put eye make on. After a few moments ago telling me she'd had to go to the eye doc to get medicine because she had pink eye, she then tells me she hopes I don't mind that she tried on my eye makeup.

I was really shocked. I told her to take it, that I never used it anyway. Of course I did and one of them I'd just bought but there was no way I'd use it after she did. I even scoured the toilet and anything I thought she touched after she left. How dumb can some people be?

She was friendly, sometimes too friendly with Tom. Her husband actually accused her on the phone while he was overseas of having an affair with Tom. I doubt if he had the time but I knew at that time he wouldn't have done that. He didn't even seem to like her all the that much. That was another thing I thought was really idiotic. Her husband had to call her everyday long distance from Korea. She told me they had an enormous phone bill. If she wasn't home when he called he'd throw a huge hissy fit.

Another day she told me about her neighbors dog. They were Filipino she said. The dog barked day and night driving her nuts. She asked me if I thought it was OK if she reported him for letting his dog bark.  I told her it was up to her.

She told me the next day that the dog guy came and said the dog would be gone in a couple of days. It wasn't a pet. It was livestock. I don't know who was more shocked at that one, me when she said it or her when she realized what that meant. They were probably dining on dog soup while we sat there talking about it.

I took her shopping a few times while he was gone. She loved Tommy. She told me she wanted a baby but her husband said she couldn't have one. He was really treating her weird and I would wonder about what kind of creepy relationship they had.

We were talking about sex one day. I didn't bring that subject up. I never felt comfy talking about stuff like that face to face. She told me her husband liked her to shave it because it reminded him of his sister. I didn't ask. I changed the subject so fast, its a wonder her head didn't spin. She thought he was funny and romantic. I had a total different view of him.

We wanted to go to one of the parks before we left the islands. Tommy was about two months old, I think. We decided the three of us would go because she'd never been either and she was bored. Tom and I had already been to the aquarium on Waikiki. We decided on a place that had exotic birds and other stuff. I've forgotten most of the other stuff and the name of the place. It was one of the places where I took a lot of orchid photos.

To get into the place after you paid your entrance fees you had to walk through this enormous cage with all kinds of screeching birds in it. It was the only way inside. They warned us all not to use a flash to take photos when we went through there because the birds were known to attack shiny objects. If that didn't scare me enough she said they could peck out your eyes in a split second. I was terrified. Tommy was so precious to me.

Inside either Tom or me held him while we got through there fast. The birds were making so much noise. Either Tommy was scared of them, too or he just picked up on my fear because he started to howl. A guard came up and ushered us though as quick as they could. I thank God we didn't have to exit the same way we entered or we'd still be in there. I think the name of the place had two words both beginning with a "P" but I'm real fuzzy on the name.

There was a bamboo forest that I loved. We took a few photos but we didn't dare use a flash even out of the bird room.

Tom, Tommy and me.

Tom and Cheryl

Tommy and Tom

There was one of those huge trees with all the intertwining roots and branches. I think it may have been a banyan tree.

Cheryl with Tommy while we waited for the bus one day.

I have a vague memory of picking up her husband at the airport when he came home but if we saw them after that I just don't remember.


