The Farm Years

I don't have many photos from here. Our parents didn't own a camera.

The cows

Anna, Ursula, Millie and me Edith

I'm going to try to re scan that one bigger.

Our sister Millie sent me this one. I don't know how old the paper copy she sent was. I suspect it is what the date on the photo says. 1949.

Millie is on the left, Anna on the right and some visiting kid named Bobby in the middle.

He was a brat and we didn't like him but one of his parents took this and another photo.

I don't think they took this one of the horses but I was only a kid at the time so I don't remember. It would seem like they were the only ones around with a camera in those time so they must have taken it.

I got Al to fix these two for me. This is how they look now. Thanks to Al for doing a great job.

Bobby was a spoiled brat who wanted cake all the time.

Bob and Nell dad's plow horses.

He got the tractor stuck in the wet clay mud once and had to use the horses to get it out.


