Saturdays and Sundays, unless we had duty were ours to do what we wanted. I spent a lot of time at the USO and wandering around Petersburg. The USO became a home away from home to me. I was an official volunteer. I sometimes sat behind the desk and was available to tell newbies the rules and the things they could do and see in Petersburg. I told them about the USO and handed out decks of cards, and cigarettes. They could have two free smokes a night and that was all. It was a firm rule.

I played cards with a lot of guys. I shot pool with a few. I was good at it but not really great. I scared one guy. He didn't like me to begin with and that was rare. I don't have a photo of him so don't bother looking at the faces and trying to find him.

He would be shooting pool and if I walked in the room he messed up his shot. I didn't do a thing but he swore I was a witch and I'd hexed him. I never got it. I'd not done a thing to him at that point but I was pissed now and pissed woman is one you don't want to mess with.

Bruce, a friend of mine had challenged him to a game. Bruce wanted me in the room with him and the other guy wanted me out. That was enough reason for me to want to be in there. I boldly strode in on Bruce's arm. It was funny. The guy saw me and his face turned ugly. He ordered me out. I said nope. I was there to stay and he'd just have to live with it.

Bruce led me to a stool where I perched to watch the game. The guy walked by me and snarled at me to get out. I calmly looked back at him and said, "You're gonna lose, you know." We both knew it was true. The whole room knew it was true.

He played recklessly after that. He took shots that nobody in their right mind would have tried for. He lost of course. Of course it was all my fault because in his mind I was the witch. He told anybody who would listen that I had cursed him and I should be banned from pool room.

I did stay out for awhile thinking I'd give him a chance to cool off. When I went back in there a few days later nobody said a word at first. They played and soon found out if I was a witch and most didn't believe in witches, at least I wasn't hexing them.

The genius came in one day, saw me, turned around and walked right back out. He was such a sore loser. In all the time I had left I never saw him there again. He was probably going around to all the public pool halls telling them there was a witch in town. If he'd replaced that "w" with a "b" he might have been right.

This guy was named Tim. He's wearing one of my wigs. The girl's name I don't recall. They were both nice kids. She's wearing a wig, too. We had fun with out wigs. We could look like different people with a wig on our heads.

Me behind the desk. I loaned out cassette tapes to people who wanted music.

This was a Hawaiian guy I played pool with sometimes. I think here he was just sneaking a feel. He was harmless.


Me with Buster. Buster belonged to Donna and Robbie Burrows. Robbie was in the Army but Donna wasn't. She was another USO volunteer like me.

Robbie should never have been allowed in the army. He was a great guy although a bit kid-ish but the thing was he was totally blind in one eye and had been when he "passed" his physical. They were from Tennessee.


