I went back to playing cards, mostly spades which I'd never played before here, sitting around chatting with guys and girls and being friendly in general. I played pool when I could. I sat behind the desk. I played with Buster.

Bruce was getting a little too friendly. I could tell he wanted more but he was just a kid of 18. He told me that his dad was in the Army too and they had lived in Korea where he had fallen in love with a local girl. His Dad had a fit about it and that's why he was in the Army now. He showed me ring he wore all the time. It was a US dime on a band of metal like steel but not that good. He said it was the year he was born.

He couldn't have cared all that much for her because he was always pressuring me. I didn't mind hugs but that was it. I didn't want the burden of a relationship with anyone.

I did take a photo or two of him but its gone now.

Bruce was shipping out, a term they use in the army as well as the navy and it doesn't matter the mode of travel. It's still called "shipping out".

He said he was in love with me and wanted to marry me. I didn't laugh, I didn't let it go to my head. I knew in about a month, he'd meet a young pretty girl and suddenly I'd start to look old. I told him he really didn't know what he wanted, yet.

I said, "You only think you're in love with me. Give yourself a chance to experience more in life before you think of settling down with one person." He didn't believe me. He said, he'd never forget me.

We were at the USO and I fell asleep on the couch there. When it was time to leave for the airport, he kissed me goodbye and put the ring on my finger. I never knew till later. The others wanted to wake me up, but Bruce wouldn't let them.

I still have that ring even after all these years.

I hope he found someone good to love and be loved by because he was a good guy and deserved it.

I wrote this after Bruce left.


