We went to the Cliff Dwellings. At the time I was told that they were real. We both thought that. Years later I would read about their "making" on the internet. It was all brought there from other states and built up to look real. It wasn't quite as fake as "Storytown" but it was fake enough for me to feel cheated.

Somewhere between here and the Cave of the Winds we stopped at a Native American Museum and found this map on the wall of tribes and where there were in history.



The pyro kid had to have fresh coffee so he lit an illegal fire and brewed him a cup army style.

At the museum we watched a man whose name I think was Mike Littledeer or something like that. I used that name in a later story about him or a friend of his. There were more than one dancer there that day and I got them mixed up who was whom. I'll add the story later but it happened on a different day.


The yellowish green on the rocks is lichen.

I'm not sure but I think he liked having his photo taken.

One of those angular shots you should never ever take!

One I took of strangers.


