
Hurricane Rita

August 2005

There will be more added to this later

I just don't have the energy right now

This was traffic, most of the way it was 2 to 5 mph or just out and out stopped for several minutes at a time.

We used a tank of gas and only went between 50 and 60 miles.

After 21 hours on the road we stopped for the night somewhere near morning and near empty

Gas stations were out of gas, most closed anyway

we got near Livingston and found a line for gas. It stretched out into a Walmart parking lot.

A lot of us pushed our cars hoping to save enough gas to get us to the pump anyway.

Most folks were friendly and helpful to each other. There are always some who think they can do better by pulling into the emergency lane and passing everyone. Let me tell you there were a lot of accidents.

The line had moved half way sometime in the afternoon when the word came back, they too were out of gas.

People were begging for gas and water everywhere.

I prayed for God to lead us to safety and keep the cats and Al safe and yeah, me too.

The storm had not even hit at that point.

 Some of those around us were going to a shelter where they would line all the animals together.

We said nope, not us. I don't think they wanted anyone with more than one animal anyway.

It was nearing dusk when our angel appeared.

He was an older man.

He took us and another older couple who had 3 small dogs to his place.

Hawg Heaven Estates



