Windows In Time

These photos are a glimpse into a time long gone.

They have been handed from one hand to another and now rest in the keeping of one of my sisters. I urge you if you have similar photos in your keeping to make copies and protect them. Some of these have faded more in the short time that I have know of their existence.


Another important tip is to clearly write on the back of the photo who they are and when it was taken. You may think everybody knows who you are but seventy years from now your grandchildren may be confused.


I have tried here to put the right names with the right faces. However, as most of these people are now gone, and the only relative I know still living who might have some idea is currently living in a nursing home, in a world of her own and is of no help, I must surely have made some mistakes.


I put this here to preserve them and as a legacy for my son. These relatives, some not the nicest people in the world, are still bits of my personal history.


Window One

Window Two

Window Three

Window Four

Window Five

Window Six

Window Seven

Window Eight

Window Nine

Window Ten

Window Eleven

Window Twelve

