The Wind Blows Free
Wild flowers
Blue skies
Green grass peace.
The wind blowing free.
The green grass meeting the blue sky
to confer on tomorrow's weather.
Our fathers fought and died for
A green grass peace.
We destroy that peace
with black lies and white supremacy.
Fear is in the hearts of men
where freedom should reign.
Do you think it is too late for freedom,
or do you ask "Why not?"
The wind blows free,
But I cannot go
where my soul tells me to follow.
My heart is forever chained
to the archaic beliefs
of a generation long in the past.
I want to soar with the wind that blows free,
But my leaden feet hold me to the earth,
An older tired earth,
Where the winds , and the souls,
and the hearts of man
do not blow free.
And the free ideas
lie still
in the branches of time.
I cannot go backward
into the dark thoughts of yesterday
and I cannot go forward
into the orange world of tomorrow
I am forever chained
to the black and white world of today.
There's a shadow on this land
the crops won't grow.
the fruit rots on the trees
because we are afraid to pick it.
(I wrote this in the 60's)