

There is something about you

I don't know what it is

but you make me do great things

I feel totally alive with you

I love you.

It's not the crazy mad kind of love

where I see you as a god

and your faults don't exist.

I see your faults

I may not tell you what they are

but they do exist.

I know you see mine

and still

you are my friend.

Isn't friendship a kind of loving?

A special kind of loving

I am inspired by you

to do great things.

I want to do great things

for you, to you, with you

You are my ignition

Your friendship is the key

that turns me on.

I'm glad that you are my friend.

I don't want to be your best friends

but I would like to know

that at least

I am near

the top of the list.

I wonder if I have ever been the spark for someone's ignition.