Wandering Down Memory Lane



This is Dutchies Store.

It's been around for over 50 years.

When I was a little kid on the farm Dad had to drive the milk to town. We took it in metal cans. There were only four of us on the farm. We took turns going with Dad to town to deliver the milk. We always stopped at Dutchies to buy stuff on the way home. I "stole" my first candy bar here. I was about five. I marched right in and picked the candy I wanted and put it in my pocket. The clerk and my dad were friends and they both just laughed while Dad paid for my loot. After that he would tell me before I went in not to take anything unless I asked him first.



This is a special spot in a small country store in Vermont. The store looks like many others of its kind but as you walk towards the back you hear the sound of running water. A dark metal table like structure stands in the center of an aisle of goods. It's a box with a lid made of metal mesh. You look down through the squares and there several feet below is the waterfall, under the store. It's really a fantastic sight!


